Membership to the SWDGA is open to any private club within a reasonable distance of Syracuse. To be considered for membership, please contact SWDGA by emailing info@swdga.org
Syracuse Woman’s District Golf Association (SWDGA) is a not for profit organization founded in 1933 by nine Charter Member Private Clubs: Bellevue Country Club, Cazenovia Golf Club, Drumlins, Lafayette Country Club (Country Club of Syracuse), Onondaga Golf and Country Club, Seneca Country Club, Skaneateles Country Club, Tuscarora Golf Club, and Yacht Club (Lakeshore Yacht and Country Club). Currently we have 17 Member Clubs with over 120 women members sharing in the traditions of competition and good sportsmanship.
The objectives of SWDGA are to promote interest and fellowship in the game of golf; to promote good sportsmanship and friendly rivalry among members by conducting regular sweepstakes and tournaments; and to foster the best traditions of the game of golf. SWDGA is an organization of amateur women golfers belonging to their member club, whose handicap indexes fall within the prescribed limits of SWDGA.